SEQTA Engage
SEQTA is Seton Catholic College's Learning Management System. It serves as the main administration platform connecting students, their parents/guardians, and their teachers. SEQTA Engage is the parent/guardian portal to the SEQTA system.
It is important that parents/guardians check SEQTA regularly to stay up-to-date with their child's pastoral and academic progress.
If you forget your login details for SEQTA Engage, please contact Mr Peter Vojkovic, Head of Technology and Innovation.
Refer to the SEQTA Engage Guide for assistance with using SEQTA Engage.
SEQTA Engage Guide
Accessing SEQTA Engage
There are two options for accessing SEQTA Engage:
Online/Web Access
This is best for computers, laptops and tablets.
Using a web browser (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.) go to
Enter your user name and password to login.
Phone App Access
Search for "SEQTA Engage" in your phone's app store.
Download and install the app.
When you first open the app, choose Manual setup.
Enter the url
Enter your user name and password.